For reference, the introduction is here.
Part B. The Challenge
The situation is shown in the photo to the
right. Click on this link to open a larger version of the photograph in a new window. Print the photo.
Given: Two spring scales hang from a horizontal rod. A ball painted red hangs from both scales, and the system is in equilibrium. Except for the paint on the surface of the ball, the ball is composed of a single element. Forces in newtons can be read directly from the scales to the nearest 0.1 N. The diameter of either scale is 0.2406 m.
Tools you'll need: Centimeter ruler, protractor, print of the photo
About working with a partner:
Show your work leading up to your completion of the goals. Clarity of expression in words, mathematics, and diagrams are particularly important, since the design of your product (the report) and the experiment are largely up to you. Include at least the following.
What to submit:
Submit a scanned pdf of 1) your solution and 2) the photo showing the coordinate system and any annotations. Name the file L120B-lastnamefirstinitial.pdf.
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