Taking a WebAssign Quiz

This is to let you know how the quiz will work and some strategies to use while taking it. This page doesn't cover study strategies, because that information is provided here.

  1. What you can use during the quiz besides your brain: calculator, list of approved equations (printed out in advance), scratch paper

  2. What you can't use: basically everything else (examples include textbook, notes, electronic devices other than a calculator, websites and software external to WebAssign, communication with anyone other than your proctor)

  3. Some questions will require Flash for PencilPad problems. You've already been cautioned to check in advance that the computer you use for the quiz has those installations.

  4. The quiz will appear in WebAssign 6:00 AM on the quiz date and will become due at 11:59 PM the same day.

  5. When you click on the quiz link in WebAssign, you'll be prompted for a password. Your proctor will give you the password at that time. Enter it and the quiz should open. That's when WA starts timing (45 minutes). You can't stop and come back later. Even if you log out, the time keeps going. So you have to do the quiz in one sitting. WebAssign displays a clock to keep you mindful of the time remaining.

  6. The first quiz item is a check off box to remind you of 1 and 2 above. I expect you to check it and to follow the physics academic honesty policy. That includes not discussing the quiz with anyone until after I announce that the key is released. (That can take a few days depending on whether anyone is absent on quiz day.) Moreover, you're not allowed to tell anyone else the quiz password or receive the quiz password from anyone other than your proctor or the instructor.

  7. Pace yourself as you do the problems. Don't initially spend more than a few minutes on any one problem or part of a problem. Do as much as you can quickly; then return to the problems that will take more time. SUBMIT items as you complete them rather than waiting to submit them all at the end. If you submit an answer and change your mind, you have up to 5 submissions. Your answers won't be checked right or wrong at this point.

  8. If you run into technical difficulties during the quiz, let your proctor know without delay.

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