D103. Thinking about Scaling


We've seen in a previous assignment that the relative strength of an ant is much greater than that of a human. Since weight increases as the cube of the scale factor while muscle and bone strength increase as the square of the scale factor, weight increases much faster than muscle and bone strength. For this reason, larger animals generally have thicker legs in relation to the size of their bodies. Consider the thin legs of an insect (relative to their body size) compared to the thick legs of an elephant or rhinoceros. By the way, the largest mammals--whales--don't have legs at all.  They use the water to help with support.

Similar arguments apply to the stresses that are applied to the body in other situations. Humans can jump from a height of 2 m onto their feet without injury. If an elephant were dropped that distance, its legs would be crushed.

Here's a related argument. Some insects can walk on water. Humans can't. The force that supports an insect is surface tension, and this force scales as the surface area that is in contact with the water. Thus, surface tension scales in the same way as bone strength. For this reason, water can more easily support insects than people. If, however, the insect falls into the water, it will most likely die. In that case, the surface tension becomes a formidable force trapping the insect in a layer of water. A human, on the other hand, could just shake it off.

Let's now consider elephant ears. The purpose of these giant appendages is to help cool the animal. The rate of cooling through evaporation of water from the surface is proportional to the surface area of the ears. Why don't smaller animals require such oversized ears? In order to answer this, consider a sphere. The volume of a sphere scales as the cube of the diameter, while the surface area scales as the square of the diameter. The ratio of volume to surface area (V/A) is therefore proportional to the diameter. A spherical elephant a thousand times more massive than a spherical human would have a V/A ratio 10 times greater. Most of the mass of the animal produces thermal energy through normal biological processes, but there's only one-tenth the surface area, in relation to that of a human, to provide evaporative cooling. Now stick 2 large, thin disks on the sphere. The disks, due to their shape, maximize the amount of surface area for their weight. They add very little to the overall weight of the sphere while adding greatly to the surface area. Thus, the efficiency of cooling is greatly increased.

Polar bears demonstrate the opposite extreme. Their problem is to keep warm. The roly-poly shape of their bodies minimizes the surface area in relation to weight, thus reducing heat loss by evaporation.

The Assignment

In the assignment to follow, you'll attempt to answer a question using scaling arguments. Here's an example question with sample responses of increasing quality.

Question: Giant spiders in horror movies generally look like scaled-up versions of real spiders. Even if super-sized spiders existed, why isn't the movie variety realistic?

Student Response Evaluation Score
A A movie spider would collapse under its own weight. Its legs wouldn't be big enough to support it. While what the student says is correct, the student didn't provide an explanation. C
B The area of cross section of the legs scales as the square of scale factor while the volume of the spider scales as the cube. The volume increases faster than the area of the legs. The student attempted an explanation using scaling arguments. The arguments don't go far enough, though. See Student C's response. B
C The area of cross section of the legs scales as the square of scale factor while the volume of the spider scales as the cube. The strength of the legs increases proportional to the cross-sectional area, while the weight of the spider increases proportional to the volume. Therefore, the weight that must be supported increases faster than the ability of the legs to support the weight. This is a complete argument. A

The Questions

You'll be assigned one of the following questions to which to respond.

  1. Humans have lungs and fish have gills. Both types of organs are designed to maximize the surface area through which oxygen can be absorbed into the blood. Earthworms, on the other hand, absorb oxygen through the surface of their bodies. Why don't earthworms need specialized organs like lungs and gills?
  2. Why must a mouse consume 1/4 of its weight in food each day while a person need only consume 2% of his/her weight?
  3. Why is the small intestine of humans coiled, while the digestive pathway of worms is straight?
  4. Why can a mouse survive a fall of 8 stories?
  5. A giraffe with its spindly legs might seem to be an animal that defies the scaling argument given above. How does a giraffe get away with this?

In responding to your question, explicitly use your knowledge of scaling relationships and provide an explanatory response. Here's some additional information that may be helpful in discussing some of the questions.

  • Cooling and absorption processes generally scale as the area of the surface through which cooling or absorption takes place.
  • The amount of food, hence, energy that an organism needs to sustain itself generally scales as the weight (or volume) of the organism.
  • The force of air friction scales as the cross-sectional area of the falling object, whereas the weight scales as the volume of the object.

Here is your assigned question:

Question Students with last names beginning with
1 B to E
2 H, J
3 M, N, S
4 Ra - Ro
5 Ru, W

The above assignments allot 4 students per question.

Posting your response

Do the following:

  1. Log in to Canvas. If you haven't done this before, use this procedure: a) Go to https://my.ncssm.edu, b) click the Canvas tile, c) log in with your NCSSM email address.

  2. There are two PH424 Discussions. Open the Discussion entitled Thinking about Scaling.

  3. The teacher has created 5 discussion threads corresponding to the 5 questions above. Post your response within your thread by the due time.

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