Taking an Assessment on WebAssign

The word assessment is used in this course for any assignment on which you are evaluated.

The next assessment will be on WebAssign and will cover the information given so far in the Orientation section. We're doing this partly to encourage you to read these important documents thoroughly and partly to get you familiar with taking an assessment in a non-stressful situation. You can think of this as an assignment rather than, say, a quiz. The score is recorded in the E category (Homework in the WebAssign gradebook).

 E.0.1.  Reading Check

All of the online assessments in this course will be on WebAssign. You've already used WebAssign for the preliminary survey. We provide additional information about WebAssign below.

  1. Click here to go to the WebAssign site.

  2. Enter your username, institution (ncssm), and password and log in.

  3. If you have more than one WebAssign course, select PH424/426. Note the due date and time for E.0.1. Start early, because WebAssign won't let you submit the assignment after the due time unless you request and are granted an extension by the teacher. If you do miss the due time for an assessment, always request an extension for 24 hours. There's a button in WebAssign for doing that. While you won't receive numerical credit for a late submission, you can avoid a deduction from your Commitment score. One other thing, if you request an extension, don't look at the key. WebAssign reports to the instructor when a student has opened the key.

After completing E.0.1, go on to check your software.

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