P215. Spherical Mirror Problems

Write your solutions as directed.


Study this guide first Ray Tracing and Image Formation for Spherical Mirrors


  1. Open this template and print 2 copies of it.
  2. For ray tracings: Use the template to construct ray tracings to locate the images for the problems. As you make your tracings, do the following.
    1. Use a soft lead pencil and bear down.
    2. Use a straightedge to draw straight rays.
    3. Make scale drawings. Select the scale to use as much of the available template space as you can. Make the objects large enough so that the rays will show clearly.
    4. Draw directional arrows on all rays, both real and virtual. Indicate real rays with solid lines and virtual rays with dashed lines.
    5. Do calculations on paper separate from the templates.
  3. For quantitative problem solving using formulas:
    1. Present givens and goals in the usual way.
    2. State the relevant formula(s) and solve symbolically before making substitutions.


The problems are from Chapter 26. Label them on your paper with the numbers below to avoid confusion.

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