Problems on Friction

Read section 1 of Chapter 6 and watch the following video before doing the WebAssign tutorials.

Video Universal Downloadable
Kinetic and Static Friction Forces Streamed RealPlayer Flash

When writing the symbol for surface friction, always include the appropriate subscript, k for kinetic or s for static. So you would write fk or fs.

Here's a reminder for effective use of these and other WebAssign tutorials.

The tutorial problems are designed to replace face-to-face practice problem solving in the conventional classroom. In order for the substitute online experience to be most effective, you should write out complete solutions in your notes. This will help in practicing and assimilating the problem-solving methods. If you treat the WebAssign tutorial as a one-time experience that you submit and don't revisit, then the benefits will be transitory. This would be similar to the experience of students who don't take notes during class, think that they understood everything fine at the time, but aren't able to recreate solutions later.

E.6.1A.  Kinetic Friction on a Level Surface

E.6.1B.  Kinetic Friction on an Inclined Surfaces (This is split into two assignments, E.6.1B-1 and E.6.1B-2.)


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