V104.  Video Demonstrations: What Does a Spring Scale Measure?

Prerequisite: Continue reading through section 5.6 down to but not including Example 5-6.

For greatest benefit, follow these instructions for watching the video clips.

1. First watch What does a spring scale measure? Part I. Near the end of the clip, you'll be presented with a problem to solve. Solve the problem before watching the second clip.

2. Watch What does a spring scale measure? Part II.  As you watch it, compare the teacher's solution to yours. In the last half of the video, the teacher will set up a demonstration. Make a prediction about the result. (Despite what the teacher says, there is no electronic form to submit.)

3. Watch Part III of the series. Afterwards, do the WebAssign assessment.

Video Universal Downloadable
What does a spring scale measure? Part I Streamed RealPlayer Flash
What does a spring scale measure? Part II Streamed RealPlayer Flash
What does a spring scale measure? Part III Streamed RealPlayer Flash

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