Reading Physics and Your Next Reading Assignment

Being in an online course means you've accepted much of the responsibility of being your own teacher.  We provide opportunities to help you in that task, and we try to keep you to a schedule. But you have to take the responsibility to learn as much as you can by studying the textbook well.

With that in mind, it's time to take a close look at how to use your textbook effectively. We've waited until now to address this topic, because some students didn't have textbooks. Open your textbook to Chapter 2 and follow along as we describe some strategies below.

Reading Assignment -- Chapter 3

Your next textbook assignment is Chapter 3. The subject is vectors. The chapter present methods for working with vectors. That's something you'll be doing the rest of the year, since many physical quantities are vectors. You've already met some of them in Chapter 2. Working with vectors will need to become second nature to you. Vector operations are indispensable for doing physics. Section 6 of the chapter is optional reading. The rest is required.

About trigonometry: Since we start doing physics in 2 dimensions in Chapter 3, you'll need to start using trig functions in your work. If you need a review or feel shaky in your use of trigonometry, see this guide: Trigonometry: Math for 2-Dimensional Physics.

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