E.2.4. Interpreting Motion with Graphs
You've seen in the online review and exercises for Chapter 2 that motion can be represented in position vs. time and velocity vs. time graphs. This is a common and important way to study motion, and you need to be able to draw, apply, and interpret such graphs. In this assessment, you'll apply the following fundamental principles in interpreting motion graphs. But first, a note about IWP.
About IWP For the next assignment and many more throughout the year, you'll be using applets, many of which allow interaction. Most of the applets we'll be using were authored using Interactive Web Physics (IWP), a software system created at NCSSM by Taylor Brockman. Several NCSSM students and alumni have participated in the development of the software. Brockman, who graduated from NCSSM in 1999, went on to help found Motricity, now Voltari, with classmate, Judd Bowman. Java is required to run IWP. By this time, you should have Java working on your computer. Different versions of the IWP Tutorial are given below depending on how you prefer to view it. These tutorials are also available from the IWP item in the course menu at the top. We recommend you view one of the video tutorials for a quick introduction to how to use IWP. Then you can move on to the next assignment. Tutorial
Here are a few pointers about IWP animations:
So much for the technology. Now for some important points about the physics.
Application of fundamentals 1 and 2 leads to the most common situations. By the way, there's no need to memorize the following. If you know and understand the fundamentals, then you can apply them. Applying the Fundamentals
The language of physics is supposed to be precise, and it usually is. But there are some word usages that can be confusing. That's because they have a strict meaning in physics, but they may have a different meaning in common, everyday usage. Sometimes, these usages even get confused in physics textbooks or when we talk to each other in physics classes. So we have to be on guard for such situations. Here's one that relates to the current subject. Average speed is total distance traveled divided by the total time to travel that distance. Average speed is not the magnitude of the average velocity. Here's an example to illustrate.
With these things in mind, go on to WebAssign assessment E.2.4.
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